Wow… been awhile since I last wrote. Spring Break happened. Good break. Spent the entire time with Annie. We went to the beach, hung out at her place, then hung out at my place, and generally had a grand time. I had a psuedo-job interview after Jester referred me to a coworker, but they were looking for someone with .asp experience, which I lack. Annie had an experience at the beach, involving a log and high tide, and just about everyone had a heart attack. It was dumb of us all to be playing on the logs, especially after I grew up hearing all the horror stories every year, but there we were and next thing I know, I'm seeing this wave wash over her, and I felt really guilty, because she didn't know better. I was the first one on the log, and she was just following my lead, so it was really stupid of me to be out there in the first place. The whole thing just makes me feel stupid, but everyone's okay, so I guess it doesn't matter. Still…

School started again today, and as usual, none of the professors have anything important to say on the first day, so we all sat around bored as the prof tells us every detail of how she's going to run the course. Then I looked to my left and there's a pair of girls playing pocket scrabble. The little magnetic road game kind of scrabble. It really weirded me out. I would have never thought of bringing a board game to class in case I got bored.

I played Star Wars Trivial Pursuit last night, and may I say, I rocked. It's a good thing everyone there was about my knowledge level, though. If Alex, or any of the other freaky Star Wars fans had been there I would have gotten reamed. But as it was, I did quite well and I was proud of myself, because I suck at Trivial Pursuit, normally. I know lots of trivial stuff, but not the kind of trivial stuff they ask in the game.

Rachel got married. That kinda made me feel strange to think that someone I was dating once is now 8 months pregnant, in the Army, and married. I think Annie got sick of me mentioning her. I was trying to figure out how I felt about it, though. I mean, I don't miss Rachel anymore, so it doesn't bug me that she got married, it's just strange that someone I was once really close to is MARRIED now. It seems so far away that it's strange to see it happen to someone I know… Hmm… I sound like I'm talking about someone dead…

I got a new video card for my computer. It's the Monster Fusion, which has the Voodoo II Banshee chip. It rules. It's also a full-fledged 3D card, not an add-on card, like I thought. I know Monster cards used to be the kind that plugged into your existing video card, so I feel like I just got $250 worth of card for free, since I only paid $150. :)

Lots of stuff to get done over the next week or two. I want to finish up the new Y5 site, get some updates done to my personal site, and redo the bug design site. Then I have to write a paper for a class I took an incomplete in. Then I've got plenty of reading to do for classes. *sigh* Welcome to college.

Well, I better go. I've got to close the lab down so I can go home and sleep for awhile before I come back to open the lab tomorrow morning.

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