Not much going on right now. School is sneaking up on me, and I suddenly feel an urge to finish tweaking websites. I've finished many miscellanious fixes to my existing websites, and I have several more to complete, including a complete overhaul of spaceninja and reworking the interface for pdxhookup. Hopefully I'll plow through these before school starts.

I was watching Fiddler on the Roof with Annie the other night, and I noticed something. In the movie, there's a character who's just come back from college in "the big city." He comes home with radical notions such as "women are people" and a strong belief in the proletariat. He ends up leaving to help start the revolution. I noticed that the common stereotype that people who go to college get revolutionary ideas in their heads, and never return to their ordinary lives. To some degree, this must have been true back then. Some people, given a taste of life in the city probably didn't want to return to the farm. But the stereotype still lingers today, to a degree. Have I picked up on any radical ideas in college? I don't think so... Maybe I'm just too involved in my life to be able to view it objectively and see my "radical" ideas.

I'm going to order some posters from www.obeygiant.com. They're awesome russian constructivist/propaganda-style posters. I'm going to hang one up in the tek room. It'll be great. Steve heard the idea and asked if I'd be interested in designing some Pokey posters in this style, so I'm going to. He said he'd print them if I'd design them.

I'm wearing my Mr. Yuck t-shirt today that Ryan gave me. Mr Yuck rules.

I'm also going to try and start drawing regularly again. I'm going to try and set a regular time two or three times a week where I will sit down for about an hour and just draw. Hopefully this will help me regain my atrophied illustration skills. Now if only I had a darkroom, then I could develop photos.

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